specializes in sports and athletics. We've help create new identities, brand systems, and robust digital experiences.

In 2022, Object partnered with the NBA to reimagine the NBA Teams websites. The team websites are the primary websites for each NBA team. The goal was to create parity across all 30 NBA teams with a flexible design solution that meets the needs of the individual teams. In addition to creating consistency across all the teams, we explored various ways to increase monetization through sponsorship opportunities and additional promotional interactions. Most importantly we wanted to create an elevated brand experience for fans.

Live events are a great environment to pair with AR (augmented reality) experiences layered on top of them. ARound, a startup that focuses on live event AR, teamed up with Object to create an app for the Minnesota Twins – Twins AR. During games and events at Target Field, fans can use their phones and experience live AR. The Twins AR app has games, team and player interactions, and AR effects that people can interact with each other or amongst themselves.

Northland contacted us to update the visual brand for their athletics program - the Pioneers. The outdated settler interpretation of a pioneer from the past didn't resonate with students & faculty and was not inclusive of race or gender. To keep the name, we needed to redefine what a pioneer is. We set out to reimagine the old settler pioneer into something innovative, inclusive, and forward-thinking – an astronaut, the space pioneer.

Rob's team reached out to us to create a logo and crests that had elements based on his core strategy of passion & progress. We created a "V" logo that represented his core strategy and primary brand mark. The "V" mark is used in the crests for his sub-brands.

The Twins would target current season-ticket holders annually with a printed/mailed brochure reminding them to renew their tickets. We recommended converting that print piece to a digital experience instead. We partnered with the Twins to create a rich digital experience that could reach more than the physical addresses of 14,000 season ticket holders. With a digital experience, they now have a limitless reach.

Football As Football is a design exploration of taking American football team logos and redesigning them in four European styles: German, English, Spanish, and Italian. The project was featured by WIRED Design, USA Today, Deadspin, Mashable, Rolling Stone, Sports Illustrated, Bleacher Report, Brand New, The London Telegraph, and The Atlantic (CityLab) to name a few. We licensed our crests for the NFL on FOX to use on their London football game broadcasts for the past three years. We get daily requests about the crests and messages of support from all around the world.

- Brand Discovery & Research
- Brand Strategy & Positioning
- Visual Identity System
- Brand Guidelines
- Marketing/Advertising Campaigns
- Digital Discovery & Strategy
- UX & UI Design
- Visual Design Services
- Object
- Minnesota Twins
- Northland Pioneers
- Vermilion Iron Hawks
- Football As Football