Minnesota State College Southeast
is a college with campuses in Red Wing and Winona. We created their new identity and brand platform.

As part of the rebranding project we also created a new brand platform to direct and guide marketing initiatives and advertising. This included creating a new purpose statement, brand positioning, crafting values and audience types, and a messaging framework with an actionable tagline.
Through discovery sessions, we determined that with college the first step is always considering whether to go to college or not. For those who are in this consideration set, we wanted to create a series of welcoming statements to help guide them not only make that decision, but on where to go. While the first step is consideration the next step is decision-making on where to apply and/or attend.
Our brand platform works with the framework of "First step ______. The next step is Southeast." The first line of this framework is to connect with prospects on either their barrier to college or their driving incentive into why they want to go to college. The first line connects to the consideration through personalization, the next line is about guiding prospects to a decision. Southeast. Also, the idea of stepping or moving forward is a nod to the directional sense of the name of the college – Southeast.

You only begin to consider where to go to college after realizing you want to pursue your educational goals in the first place. You’ve taken the first, and possibly hardest, step. But knowing where to go next is just as challenging and overwhelming. By offering a flexible, affordable, inclusive and equitable college environment, Southeast gives direction to students of every age and life goal. Whether looking to earn more or pursuing a passion, Southeast provides guidance, solutions, and care every step of the way. Because when embarking on a journey as important as achieving your educational goals, nothing matters more than knowing where to take the next step.

- Brand Discovery & Research
- Brand Strategy & Positioning
- Visual Identity System
- Brand Guidelines
- Marketing/Messaging Campaign
- Brand Applications
- Advertising
- Iconography & Illustrations
- Garrick Willhite
- Bryn Bundlie
- Alec Lindsey
- Anders Holine
- Thom Kordonowy
- Minnesota State College Southeast
- Rebrand and Brand/Marketing Campaign
- 2024